And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (2024)

Home»Commentary»And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options…

“Have you taken the time to look at this treasonous coward’s fruit?”

The Communists who are illegally indoctrinating the young in public schools of today are playing out the same tactics on the parents who are sending them. Let me explain.

When a student in a public school is given a test of some sort, the question will be presented with the option of 2 to 3 different answers provided as options. The way that they indoctrinate is that the 2 to 3 answers presented are not the right answers to the question. It’s the same when it comes to the presidential options that are given to the American people.

History Is Repeating Itself: Appointing The Scoundrels To Rule The People – These Are Not Isolated Incidents

You all know of Donald Trump, “The Father of the vaccine”, and his new VP pick JD Vance (Who has changed his name 3 times), an investor in pharmaceutical companies. Vance, right on cue, is now trying to sell himself as a Christian (Matthew 24:5). Are the two running on the unconstitutional Republican ticket? Right-left, divide and conquer paradigm (Mark 3:25).

And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (1)

On the other side, you have Kamala Harris as a presidential nominee, totally debased, corrupt, and illegitimate in every way (1 Kings 13:33). Everyone knows this.

Then, the mainstream media, which 94% of the people say that they do not believe, bring in the spin doctors to offer up the vice-presidential option (Romans 1:18). In this case, the said governor from the state of Minnesota, Tim Walz. Tim just happens to be planted in Minnesota and yet, he is from Nebraska. He is a traitor to his God and his people in every way possible.

Tim helped (unconstitutionally and illegally) his fascist billionaire buddies accumulate 27% growth in their businesses globally during the plandemic, all the while targeting small businesses here in Minnesota. Strip joints, liquor stores, Planned Parenthood, and his local business associates were all deemed essential and their doors remained open.

Lisa Hanson is a grandmother who refused to close her doors. Both the planted Attorney General Keith Ellison, who is from Michigan, and Walz targeted her by making her an example of what a totalitarian government looks and acts like.

Tim is also the one responsible for alluring illegals to come into the state and would like 2-300% more Muslims, even going so far as to offer them driver’s licenses, housing, and jobs.

He even helped change the state flag to that which resembles the Somalian flag.

For those who did not take the time to pull the curtain back on Tim, he is also the one that was allowed by the people in the state of Minnesota to make sure that the boy’s bathrooms in public schools could access tampons in case they began to menstruate.

One would think that knowing what I have shared up to this point he would been impeached and prosecuted for his felonious crimes (Article II, Section 4; Article I, Section 3, Clause 7 U.S. Constitution).

It doesn’t stop there. Tim is also responsible for bringing forth an executive order, as he called it (Executive orders only apply when they are congruent with the U.S. Constitution), for what they have labeled as a transgender haven.

Again, these are crimes against nature. They are felons according to state statute (Leviticus 18:22; Deuteronomy 22:5; Romans 1:25-32).

Also, consider that this is the same coward (A disgrace upon any people who) who worked hand in glove with corrupt agencies in creating the fall of Minneapolis through the George Floyd fiasco.

By the way, Walz’s daughter was aiding and directing the protesters during the embellished and bolstered George Floyd protests.

If he is not attacking the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights in saying that there is no guarantee to free speech

Then he is lawlessly attacking the Second.

How could it be otherwise when you are dealing with Communists?

The picture below is Tim Walz standing in front of the Chinese wall. Back in the 90s, he had gone on a trip with an investigative reporter who shared with me that Walz’s drank the Chinese model of government all the way down.

And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (2)

The man is as anti-American as one can be (Isn’t that why the MSM is putting him up as a vice presidential option?), and his record proves just that (Matthew 7:16-20).

The sick-minded reprobate Tim Walz is also the guy that the MSM is now trying to protect and prop up, even when it comes to the truth of his drinking horse sem*n. Article below.

And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (3)

The mainstream media and their useful idiots do their best to cover what they will never be able to cover when it comes to the crimes of Tim Walz (Luke 12:2).

And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (4)

And the powers that are tolerated want you to believe that 5.9 million people voted this criminal into office, not once but twice? Think again.

Consider what crimes these that are reporting to you, and to those who are driving this narrative behind the scenes must be guilty of committing when they are trying to put this devil up as a good man (Isaiah 5:20). Did I forget to tell you that Tim is also lying about his military record? These are what the mainstream media and the powers that are tolerated are giving you as legitimate options.

And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (5)

Don’t forget about Tim’s wife, who they are also trying to sell as an all-American.

And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (6)

Friends, both options that are given are both pushing the same agenda. If only the American people would read their Bibles and the the U.S. Constitution to know the difference (1 Kings 13:33; Matthew 7:16-20; 2 Corinthians 11:14-15), and stand up and right the evils (Proverbs 7:2).

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Bradlee Dean

Bradlee Dean is an ordained Christian preacher, Radio show host for the #1 show on BBS radio from 2-3 p.m. Central Standard Time (The Sons of Liberty). He is a National Tea Party favorite, as does he speak on high school and college campuses nationwide. Bradlee is also an author, a husband to one and daddy to five boys. You have probably seen Bradlee through such outlets as The New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, The Weekly Standard etc.. Check out Bradlee's website and follow him on Facebook.

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And Then There Is The Traitor & Treasonous Tim Walz To Add To The Short List Of Options… (2024)
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