JFK: The Smoking Gun (2024)

Linda Burnham

194 reviews7 followers

November 10, 2013

I never believed the Warren Commission was anything but a sham and I have read so many conspiracy theories over the years and I now truly believe that Colin McLaren has uncovered the devastating truth. I won't say anymore for fear of spoiling the book for other readers, except to say, this is the only book you ever need to read about the assassination of JFK.



364 reviews

November 24, 2013

I thought this was a brilliant read and in my opinion what Colin McLaren is alleging is quite plausible and makes a lot of sense. Fifty years after the assassination of JFK there still seems to be a huge interest and many,many more conspiracy theories but I believe this book dispels many of these. I was shocked and saddened by some of the revelations in this book but unlike many other books on this subject it actually left me satisfied that this matter has finally been put to rest. I know that many will probably criticise it and treat it as just another theory but for me this may actually be the last book I ever read regarding that fateful day in Dallas.


566 reviews185 followers

February 26, 2015

Yeaaaaah,... NO.

This story that the author claimed would make a great Hollywood movie but not the ASSASSINATION of John F. Kennedy.
Mr. McLaren presented a lot of great points and evident that are certainly convincing to people who don't know more details and don't know how to analyze nor dig deep into real dirt because absolutely what Mr. McLaren said is NOT what actually happened that day.
No way in hell that a secret service agent would shoot a fatal shot -directly and ACCIDENTALLY- to the head of the US president in front of hundreds of witnesses and several cameras and nobody would notice/capture a thing about that!

He claimed that John F. Kennedy was not assassinated, really?

Bottom line, Bogus theory.

Yes, it was presented all neat and well but far from the truth and I'm sorry, I'm no fool to believe in such absurd theory.

    2014-challenge the-kennedys

Graham Catt

430 reviews2 followers

September 5, 2019

I should have spotted it - the garish cover and large print, the lack of any notes or bibliography. This professes to be a report of serious investigation, but is simply 'pulp non-fiction'. It's rare that a book makes me so angry that I throw it across the room. This was one of those books.

Colin McLaren, a retired detective from Australia, goes to great lengths to establish his credibility as an investigator, then proceeds to exaggerate, embellish, misquote and misinterpret his way through the book. He criticizes 'conspiracy theorists' for using selective information to support their arguments, then does exactly the same thing.

Initially, the author holds up the Warren Commission as the 'Holy Grail' of JFK Assassination info, yet by the end, when it doesn't support his theory, McLaren writes it off as 'twaddle'. (As is well known, the Commission only called witnesses who backed up the 'one assassin/three bullet' notion, or ignored any testimony that didn't serve their purpose.)

In fact, the absence of a bibliography is probably due to the fact that McLaren's only sources were the Warren Commission and the ARRB hearings. There are no interviews, no references to other investigators or books. Apart from a brief trip to Dallas, all research was done on the internet. Hardly the hallmark of a thorough investigation.

McLaren states his aim to avoid the language of prose, then laces the narrative with colorful (manipulative) descriptions of character, even delving into the mind of 'patriot' Jack Ruby to describe his thoughts and emotions. Of course, Oswald is described as a sub-human maniac, while Marina Oswald is the 'pretty Russian'.

He concludes that ballistics tests are unreliable, yet uses them to support his theory. McLaren agrees that Oswald was no marksman, and that the shots he attempted were impossible, but says that is what happened anyway.

Some random notes. JFK is described as 'a CIA man'. Anyone with any knowledge of JFK knows he despised the CIA, particularly after the Bay of Pigs disaster. Bobby is described as 'an interfering, presidentially aspiring brother' without any justification whatsoever. So-called 'conspiracy theorists' are called 'loonies', 'crazies' and worse. Ironically, McLaren's book also proposes its own 'conspiracy theory'. He is also scathing of Jim Garrison's 1968 trial, telling us that it was 'thrown out of court', which is simply not true.

To accept McLaren's theory, you need to discount the eyewitness accounts of dozens, if not 100's of people, as well as the investigations of writers like Gaeton Fonzi, Douglas Horne, Lamar Waldron and Dick Russell, among others.

Other well-known, verified facts are ignored: George de Mohrenschildt and Ruth Paine's CIA connections, the CIA's invention of fake tapes/film of Oswald in Mexico, Oswald's CIA and FBI links, the death bed confessions of David Atlee Phillips and Howard E. Hunt, the encounters of dozens of people (including a policeman) with fake Secret Service agents in the picket fence area etc.

Avoid this unsatisfying book. There are far better written, more thorough and more enlightening books on the subject, even others that explore McLaren's theory with far greater skill.


287 reviews5 followers

January 17, 2016

WOW.. always been fascinated with everything to do with JFK and particularly his assassination. And always wondered.. there were so many inconsistencies with the investigations and the eye witness reports and total co*ck-ups by the different authorities and the Warren Commission (the author of this book describes it as the Commission of Omissions).

The books starts off with a deep background check of Less Harvey Oswald, his wife Marina and Jack Ruby. So I am thinking, right he is going for the lone gunman solution.. Lee Harvey Oswald WAS a crazy idiot!

But then he gets into the deeper investigation of the eyewitness reports, including the police officers that were in and around the motorcade that day. He went right through ALL the many volumes of the Warren Commission and wonders why so many of those crucial eyewitnesses weren't even interviewed by the Commission and, when damning evidence was offered, the Commission ignored it and/or dismissed that witness.

He (the author is a career detective) then looked at what the Secret Service guys were doing , both on the day and the day before. Apparently they all went out partying the night before until the wee hours and got very drunk at a night club. SO the day they were supposed to be protecting the President they were all very hungover! O.o. Even though many bystanders saw a man on the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository WITH A RIFLE.. none of the Secret Service saw or acted. In fact, the only action, after the first shot, was one inexperienced guy in the followup car standing up wth HIS rifle and shooting it! Eyewitnesses testified that he had shot the rifle, thinking he was shooting back at the assassin. .. The bottom line.. did ALL the shots that hit the President come from Lee Harvey Oswald's gun OR did one of those bullets come from the accidental shooting of the Secret Service rifle. The author presents a lot of evidence that the last and fatal bullet was actually from the Secret Service gun. AND he points to a lot of cover up by everyone involved to ensure that this information did not become a front page worldwide news story.

SOOOOOOOOOOO when Lee Harvey Oswald kept insisting he was a "Patsy".. it seems he might have been right!!!

    ibook ipad


33 reviews

June 21, 2014

Retired and highly decorated Australian homicide detective Colin McLaren brings his years of investigative experience to bear on the case that has fascinated generations and spawned any number of elaborate conspiracy theories: the "assassination" of US President John F Kennedy. Four years of exhaustive research applying a thorough tooth comb to all 27 volumes of the Warren Commission Report, the transcripts of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, and the records of the Assassination Records Review Board, combined with the re-discovery of the pioneering ballistics work of American firearms expert Howard Donohue, convinced McLaren of two things: 1) That Lee Harvey Oswald only fired two of the three shots that were directed at Kennedy on that fateful day on the 22nd November 1963; and 2) that the third and fatal shot was fired, not by any sniper working in concert with, or under cover of, Oswald, but by one of Kennedy's own secret service detail. McLaren's conclusion: that Kennedy was not "assassinated", nor was he the victim of some elaborate conspiracy: rather, that his death was the result of a tragic accident perpetrated by the very people who were meant to protect him. Moreover, that the subsequent cover-up was not pre-planned, but a panicky response to tragedy designed to protect both the reputation of the Secret Service and prevent the US becoming an international laughing-stock at a time when the Cold War was at its height. McLaren presents a powerfully argued, tightly coherent case which, because of its simplicity and ironic tragedy, has the unmistakable ring of truth. Bears comparison with John Cornwall's "A Thief In The Night" for the skill with which it explodes ridiculous conspiracy theories and gets to what is most probably the heart of the matter.

May 16, 2015

This is the first theory I have ever seen regarding the assassination of JFK that has made sense. As far as I'm concerned, the verdict is in, and the killer was....well, you'll have to read the book. Meticulously researching over a number of years, the author has discovered the truth that the Warren Commission buried in thousands of pages. An excellent read. Highly recommended.

Michael Sabell

18 reviews3 followers

June 3, 2020

Bought this from QBD recently, not realising it came out in 2013. Really interesting read, it sheds new light (at least for me) on who may have really killed JFK.


112 reviews18 followers

December 22, 2013

Initially I was reluctant to read another book about JFK. It's not that I'm not interested in the topic, just that there have been so many conspiracy theories, explanations etc and I thought this was just another one. However the fact that it was written by an Australian detective piqued my interest and then after watching the documentary of the same name, I was very keen to read the book.

Colin McLaren is a retired detective who has worked on some of the most gruesome crime scenes in Australia. While on holiday in New York back in the 1990s, he purchased a copy of the book "Mortal Error" by Bonan Meningar, which explored the theory that the shot that shattered JFK's skull was in fact fired in error by one of the secret service agents in the following car. Exhaustively researched by ballistics expert Howard Donohue, it was a theory that grabbed Colin.

Fast forward several years and in retirement, Colin himself decides to review all the evidence including the massive Warren Commission report and other associated documents. In a process that takes years, Colin uncovers a massive cover up, with many witness statements ignored in official evidence, the chain of evidence broken at the hospital and many other facts that all support Howard Donohue's theory.

Colin explains it is not his intention to apportion blame, rather he wants to put to bed one of the most enduring mysteries in history. He believes secret service agent George Hickey was placed in a position he was not trained or prepared for, and the fatal shot was simply a tragic accident with awful consequences.

Colin has broken down very complex evidence into a readable and very interesting book that I believe puts across a very plausible theory. Definitely worth a read.



91 reviews2 followers

February 19, 2022

A few days ago, I came across a video on YouTube. It was a 2013 TV special "JFK: The Smoking Gun," hosted by retired Australian police detective Colin McLaren. It gripped me so much that I broke down and bought this book. I thought I had read it all about the assassination of President Kennedy, but McLaren's story changed everything for me. He uses his skills honed by years as a detective working homicides to follow the witness statements and ballistic evidence. McLaren cited the extensive ballistic research Howard Donohue performed on this case, which Bonar Menninger wrote about in his 1992 book "Mortal Error: The Shot that Killed JFK." Pushing aside conspiracy theories, McLaren cuts through the inconsistencies found in the Warren Commission's report and delves into the Secret Service's behavior at Parkland Hospital after the shooting and at the autopsy held at Bethesda Naval Hospital. The conclusion will be a great shock to many people but is the one that fits the eyewitness statements and the evidence. This was a story I could not put down and has changed how I view this shattering moment in history. Bravo, Colin McLaren!


155 reviews1 follower

January 26, 2014

A very detailed and convincing account of the killing of JFK. In my opinion answers pretty conclusively two of the key questions surrounding the assassination:

1) The magic bullet issue

2) The exploding bullet, the final shot to hit, and ultimately kill President Kennedy.

If you are interested in history....I strongly suggest reading this book.

Rohan Loos

Author1 book

June 9, 2018

Mind blowing, thought provoking, thoroughly well researched and written. The irony here really is that such a well investigated and highly researched book makes me question even further what it states though. I understand the author to be s former detective and trust he has provided a balanced and accurate view of all of the evidence; but... how can I know that without reading the 3 metre high pile of papers?
The funny thing also is that the theory to pay to rest all conspiracy theories that this book provides has provoked my mind into creating a further theory within the confines of the book’s core hypothesis. I won’t share it here as it’s quite long and references many other novels; but it makes you think.
I’d never really given the JFK shooting a great deal of thought, despite having seen and read much information surrounding it. Following the reading of this book... I’m sure there’s more to it. I don’t think there’s quite as much as the author seems to suggest and I can’t fathom where the authority came from in my limited knowledge of the American chain of command. It’s intimidating to think “Who’s more powerful than the most powerful man on earth?”
This one’s a thought provoked as much as an answer. It��ll stay in your mind long after you read it I’m sure, and if you’re looking for a book club book, then this is great as the discussions you’ll have after reading are boundless.
This book put me in the mind of a sleuth such as Sherlock Holmes, going over all of the evidence (I assume and hope) and showing what can be revealed and questioning what can be assumed from certain actions taken by those involved. As I’ve said, I think some assumptions stretch the imagination a little, but I guess it’s that possibility that makes a seasoned detective write it down for just that chance.
I’m struggling for a better conclusion than to simply say “I liked this book and if you’ve made it so far as to read this review then I strongly think you should give it a go,” but I guess that will have to do.

Tom Schulte

3,154 reviews69 followers

September 3, 2024

The first part of this book briskly moves from Oswald biography to the assassinations of JFK and then himself. Along the way conspiracy theories are breezily discounted. This is fine, but the authoritative reporting of interior monologues and motivations, such as that of Jack Ruby, I found off-putting.

The author has a damning examination of the informal practices of J. W. Fritz, captain of Homicide and Robbery Bureau of the Dallas Police Department and primary interrogator of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Then in intriguing explanation it picks up where Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK to convincingly lay out a theory of Oswald's ineffectual shooting punctuated at the end by an accidental AR-15 shot from a hungover precariously perched Secret Service sniper in a lurching vehicle holding an unfamiliar weapon. Cover up is suggested. Digging into the full library of available documentation, one thread pulled out is
The subtitle refers to the various eyewitness accounts of gun smoke detected at the street level too far from the depository to which gusty wind was directed. Someone discharged a firearm at street level near the presidential limo.

    364-1-crimes-and-offenses 973-922-jfk


2 reviews

February 13, 2023

From the outset, I didn't like the author's tone, but stuck with it thinking perhaps there will be something in later chapters that is a revelation, but everything he does mention is just regurgitated over and over and over again, ad nauseam.

My take on proceedings. A second shooter was highly probable. Was it accidental friendly fire from George Hickey in the following vehicle? It's possible. Right type of gun, right type of bullet, witnesses smelt gun smoke, heard shots very close together, final shot from ground level and behind JFK. However, I would say the chances of the president of America being shot at, and then being accidentally shot seconds later, from someone who wasn't deliberately aiming a gun at him, is infinitesimally small. The gun unintentionally discharged just when it was pointed straight at JFK's head. It's possible, but improbable.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


119 reviews7 followers

December 9, 2017

What a fascinating book! Like anyone else, I had always heard much about JFK and what happened on that fateful date in November of 1963, but I had never really thought much about what might have actually took place. There are many conspiracy theories out there but this book does a marvellous job in looking purely at the evidence and many witness statements to come up with an answer - the result, I found, was astounding! Something I had actually never really heard of or considered before. The book itself is very easy to follow, besides one chapter that was a little technical in terms of bullets, I found it to be a very fascinating read! Highly recommended!


David Brown

238 reviews4 followers

September 16, 2017

This is an excellent book but it is clearly written by a detective. He gets a bit repetitive and way too carried away with detail. I was satisfied when he said, in connection with the three shots, that forty people described the last two as being close together. I did not need a list of all forty variations in description. He does this sort of thing regularly and it distracts from his narrative. In the same way he describes the Warren Commission report as being awash with detail which obscures the message so does this author. That said, I think his conclusions are well researched, clear and supportable. Although I found it tedious at times, I did enjoy this book.


19 reviews

February 11, 2022

Really great book. Well written from a Detectives eyes.
It does make sense that it was an accident and the Secret Service want to cover it. Most if not all seems legit. But……

As he says in the book there is no evidence of someone setting out or trying to Conspire to assassinate the President. But I still can’t get past it. And as the Secret Service are concerned. There is a reason for keeping Secrets. Plus the Speech that JFK did only a week before about smashing the FBI/CIA into 1000pieces.
Still so Intrigued that we won’t ever find out the real Truth.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Gwen Williams

26 reviews2 followers

January 21, 2018

What an amazing read. Anyone who is interested in the assassination of JFK needs to read this book. It finally reveals the ineptitude and cover up of this investigation and what really happened. There is no conspiracy. Extraordinarily well researched and written - although a little repetitive at times. Highly recommended.


27 reviews

May 14, 2020

A very good read and a well-researched and constructed argument. It didn’t get 5 stars from me due to poor editing. There was way too much repetition. I found pretty much nothing in Chapter 15 that hadn’t been said at least once before. I went from enjoying the book to being quite frustrated. Keep going though, it is wrapped up well.


936 reviews9 followers

March 9, 2019

Well worth reading. I enjoyed how the book was set out, allowing you to learn (or remember) all the players, and more.

As for being an answer of what happened that November 22, it is totally possible.



97 reviews

August 10, 2020

It’s amazing how assassination of a world leader can turn into a mystery that takes ages to get solved. So much of hard work and determination must have been required for Colin to go through volumes of information and to bring us this form of truth!

Jason Inglis

3 reviews

February 3, 2017

Presents an interesting argument, but there are no references so it's hard to know how credible this book is


38 reviews1 follower

March 8, 2018

A must read. Very detailed and informed book about his death

Kevin Koppelmann

567 reviews

February 23, 2019

Interesting forensics although he also showed an agenda he was shooting for.

Chele Morel

54 reviews1 follower

December 28, 2019

Well written and brilliantly researched. A fresh take on the jfk assassination

Mitch Harpenau

7 reviews6 followers

February 10, 2021

To say there wasn't some sort of a cover-up and that Oswald acted alone would be a masterpiece of understatement.


71 reviews1 follower

August 3, 2021

An interesting take on the JFK assassination. A little boring at times but all in all not a bad book.



165 reviews2 followers

February 19, 2022

I found this a very interesting read!!



41 reviews5 followers

November 15, 2022

Research of mammoth proportions, meticulous and methodical. Laid out in clear irrefutable facts. No stone unturned. No room for doubt.


24 reviews

February 5, 2016

There’s a story attached to my reading this book. I recently watched Oliver Stone’s JFK – twice, in fact – and was instantly convinced that there must have been something fishy in the 35th president’s death. And so, I sought out The Smoking Gun in order to gain an alternate perspective. Jim Garrison, the focus of Stone’s monumental film, was evidently certain that Cuba, Communism, conspiracy and the Vietnam War were behind Kennedy’s death. McLaren offers a different story – one that is arguably more believable and, from the evidence presented, more likely. For the majority of the book, I was enthralled, shocked and intrigued – it did everything that a great investigation should do. But…I do have some issues, mainly with McLaren’s role as narrator. So here’s my letter to the author:

Dear Colin,

You’re a detective, we get it! You don’t have to constantly cite your own knowledge as a detective or draw from your past experience working rape or murder scenes. Stop seeing yourself as some omniscient holder of the truth because all you are is a giver of information, not some divine semi-mortal come to purify our understanding of the Kennedy assassination! Also, don’t condemn someone – aka Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone – when many of your own deductions mirror those outlined by Garrison’s investigation…multiple shooters, inconsistent bullets, shoddy autopsies, ring any bells? It’s kind of irritating that you admonish Stone’s film when it was, in fact, a catalyst for the reopened inquiry into the assassination – an inquiry from which you draw a hefty amount of conclusions.

Furthermore, you don’t have to repeat yourself fifty times. The reader is not an idiot. If you say that twenty-two witnesses saw smoke from within the motorcade, that’s all we need. You don’t have to quote every single witness in Christendom who saw smoke or who described the second and third shots as being practically instantaneous.

But, on the other hand, you do make some excellent points, although your rebuttal of the magic bullet theory really didn’t quench my curiosity. On the whole, however, you have produced a compelling argument after years of research and for that I applaud you.

Sincerely yours,

Semi-Frustrated Reader

But, I do have one question. McLaren claims that he condemns conspiracy theories and the like, but surely The Smoking Gun is simply providing another conspiracy/cover-up. Why should the reader invest more credence in McLaren’s conclusions than, for instance, in Jim Garrison’s?

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

JFK: The Smoking Gun (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.